Be safe, ensure method compliance
- Flash point autosamplers/carousels are not included in any flash point methods
- Flash points determined using an autosampler should not be used to classify a product for transport, safety and health regulations or for specification purposes
- Incorrect classification of products can have severe consequences

Sample cups used in autosamplers do not meet flash point test method requirements for the following:
- Sample in a carousel cup with a lid does not meet the sealed container or the minimum sample volume requirements of the test method
- Test methods state that sample volumes in containers which are less than 50% full can affect the test result
- Test methods state if loss of volatile material occurs, incorrect high flash points may be obtained

Precision and bias has not been determined for Autosamplers
- Autosamplers have not been the subject of any flash point Interlaboratory Study Program (ILS)
- An ILS study allows a precision and repeatability statement to be produced for a test method
- Therefore, any precision stated in flash point test methods does not apply to autosamplers

View the Setaflash range of small scale flash point testers. Setaflash’s proven performance and precision has resulted in the adoption of the small scale test method in an extensive range of international specifications and regulations.