Laboratory performance in a highly portable device
The SetaCheck Biodiesel SA5500-0 is a truly portable, hand-held device that a enables quick, accurate, on-site biodiesel in diesel test with a measurement range of 0.1 to 40 percent and precision to one-hundredth of a percent.
Typically, Fourier-transform infrared laboratory instruments can go down to a tenth of a percent, however Stanhope-Seta’s unique ‘FAME in Jet Instrument’ technologies can measure to parts-per-million levels. The SetaCheck handheld is a subset of the FIJI technologies and gives laboratory performance in a highly portable device. Knowledge gained from development of FIJI instruments and standards, coupled with expert product design engineers, has led to the repackaging of critical elements of the technology for wider portable use.

A portable, rugged, easy-to-use field instrument is essential to rapidly and accurately checking biodiesel content in diesel fuel
For blenders and users, proving blend ratios are correct allows correct management of tax credits and associated income. The SetaCheck device allows a rapid and accurate check that the fuel delivered meets expected specifications, particularly important in splash-blended fuels. Furthermore, SetaCheck allows for a rapid check of a vehicle tank’s contents. Vehicle and engine manufacturers all warranty engines under certain running conditions, and biodiesel content is one of the parameters, a rapid check by service centers of vehicle fuel immediately confirms whether the biodiesel content meets the requirements of the manufacturer.
Immediate, accurate, repeatable biodiesel in diesel test
Those who could benefit from such a device include oil majors and pipeliners all the way down to truck stop operators and system-critical applications. The SetaCheck Biodiesel is perfect for anyone needing immediate, accurate, repeatable results to prove what they purchased is what the supplier says it is. It’s rugged, robust, very simple to use with exceptional repeatability and precision.
Visit the SetaCheck Biodiesel SA5500-0 product page to request a quotation >