Students join us at Seta for Work Experience

28th May 2024 | Company News

Stanhope-Seta had the pleasure of welcoming students for their work experience placements

Each year, Stanhope-Seta welcomes a number of students who undertake their work experience placements with us. In May, Larisa and Annie, students in Year 10 from Chertsey High School spent a week with us, gaining experience within different departments.

From learning about Laboratory procedures and instrument testing, to Solidworks graphic design and evaluating the resonant frequencies of a vibrating sensor, they were given the opportunity to really become ‘hands on’ and further ignite their interest in Engineering.

“My favourite part of work experience at Stanhope-Seta has been how I have looked into so many different sectors within this experience which helps me to keep my options open as to what I want to continue working in, in the future. I also got to see and experience a little bit of everything and ask questions to people who specialise in these areas.” Larisa Spasovska

Work experience placements are an important part of a students journey, they help develop a young person’s skills in communication, information technology, problem solving, working with others and decision making.

“I really liked the opportunity to be able to ask questions, it was incredible to learn from others not only about STEM but also general advice. The staff were very kind and considerate and were always happy to help. I have learnt so much and gained so many experiences, I am immensely grateful for this opportunity.” Annie Cadete

We wish Larisa and Annie every success with their future studies and are pleased they found their experience at Seta to be creative, challenging and rewarding. Stanhope-Seta is proud to support and encourage girls within STEM subjects and future careers.